Monday, August 2, 2010

Victorian Influences!

As a lover of all things Vintage, the Victorian era intrigues me as a stage in our history where Fashion made quite a statement. With big bulging cameos, large gemstones and dangles, dangles, dangles. Some may say the Victorian era was the original BLING starters, with their Giant Carat weight hanging around the neck or dangling from the ears, planted on the fingers the Victorian lady's new how to look stylish.

Loving the whole era I sought out to see what I could find that would represent the whole Victorian fashion in a Pendant and then infuse that 1860's style with some of my idea's. So After finally finding the perfect pendant a 50 Carat Weight Mint Amethyst set in silver, the Job really started, how in the world and I going to match this gorgeous pendant with a necklace that is different and yet something that represents my shop, beads and more beads. And Not just any ole beads, but my fave beads Swarovski Crystal beads.

Crochet seem to be my savior in the end with a simple 4 layer chain in mint. And after working with it for a week hand beading each Swarovski Crystal on, I can't help but wonder whats missing from this embellishment, so I have devised a poll for feedback. Please participate. So at the very bottom of this page you will find the poll.


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